RiverBrink Art Museum encourages support from businesses, service clubs, organizations and individuals through sponsorship. This allows the museum to showcase your interest in our community in a mutually beneficial way. There are many activities and special projects at the museum that have sponsorship potential. To discuss these opportunities, please contact our Administrator Janet Zylstra at [email protected] or 905-262-4510.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Free admission: $6000 per year
Logo to be featured at entrance
Logo to appear on promotional material
Dedicated social media post
Logo to appear on dedicated exhibition web page with a link to their site
Listed under sponsors on RiverBrink website
Invitation to opening receptions (for 4)
Exhibition Sponsor $1000
1. Dianne Davis, We Live the Opposite…Dar(l)ing - opening May 11, 2024
2. Millie Chen, turbulence - opening May 11, 2024
Benefits: Logo to appear on promotional exhibition material
Front Signage Sponsorship $1000
Credit for sign unveiling.
Small engraved plaque on signage
Benefits: credit through press release, social media post and eblast
Event Sponsorship $500
On the 'Brink Installation Art Festival
Benefits: credit through marketing, social media post and eblast
Film Screenings/music presentations/artist talk/workshops: $300
Ayo Adawumi Wilma: The Story of a Black Canadian, February 10
Marcia Connolly Ghost Noise Screening and Talk, March 16
Orchard of Dreams [An A/V Garden Party] May 19
Millie Chen artist talk
Dianne Davis artist talk
Dianne Davis Children’s Workshop
Pendant Making Workshop with Jamie Lynn Gillingham in support of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women
Benefits: credit through social media, event and blast
Sponsor a student - day at the museum (class tour) or summer camp. $250
Credit through social media post and eblast.
Name recognition at beginning of tour and communications with participating school
RiverBrink Art Museum would like to acknowledge the following sponsors:
- James A. Richardson - Samuel Thomas New Beginnings Exhibition Tours
- Colin Brezicki and Ellen Smoor Foster - Meet the Authors
- Donald P. Ziraldo
- Mullen Garden Market - Rotary House Tour
- Cowley Abbott - A Family Palette Platinum Sponsorship
- Geoffrey and Lorraine Joyner - A Family Palette Gold Sponsorship
- Donald P. Ziraldo - A Family Palette Bronze Sponsorship
- Linda and Bill Mitchell (Art & Blooms Fundraiser)
- Pam and Richard Nowina (Art & Blooms Fundraiser)
- David and Heather Fuller (Art & Blooms Fundraiser)
- Gene Anne Smith (Art and Blooms Fundraiser)
- Carol Perrin (Art & Blooms Fundraiser)
- Allan Magnacca (Art & Blooms Fundraiser)
- Elizabeth Oliver Malone (Art & Blooms Fundraiser)
- Sue and Craig Tallman (Learnmore Series: La Serenissima - Venice in Art and History)
- Linda Fritz
- Rebecca Golding
- James A. Richardson
- Robert Sears (Adopt an Artwork)
- David and Heather Fuller (Susan Low-Beer, Specimen)
- Linda and Ron Fritz (PastPerfect Online Database)
- Geoffrey and Lorraine Joyner
- Donald Ziraldo
- Ontario Arts Council (Power, a video and audio installation by Elizabeth Chitty)
- Janis A. Barlow & Associates (Power, a video and audio installation by Elizabeth Chitty)
- Debra Jackson Jones (Power, a video and audio installation by Elizabeth Chitty)
- Gyllian Raby (Power, a video and audio installation by Elizabeth Chitty)
- Virginia Medland (a talk by Paul Williams, and the film Call me Human for the film festival)
- Allan Magnacca (the film Niagara Strait for the film festival)
- Sue and Craig Tallman (Learnmore Series: The Germans - Art, Faith, War)
Coach House Studio Board Room Other Rental Opportunities NOW OPEN: Wednesdays- Saturdays 10am - 5pm View Holiday Hours Here |
RiverBrink Art Museum Inc.
116 Queenston Street P.O. Box 266 Queenston, ON Canada L0S1L0 905-262-4510 [email protected] |